Post-COVID Fatigue Syndrome or Long COVID

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The COVID-19 pandemic affected over 85 million Americans. While race, socioeconomic class, and pre-existing disease contributed to increased risk for contracting COVID-19, ultimately all races, creeds, and political classes were affected.

Long COVID image

Post-COVID fatigue syndrome presents with a variety of symptoms. However, the most universal are: fatigue, cognitive dulling (“brain fog”), memory problems, headaches, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal distress, heart palpitations, muscle or joint pain, exertion intolerance, loss of sense of smell, and other neurological symptoms. Mitochondrial dysfunction is suspected to underlie many of these symptoms.

According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office113, as many as 23 million Americans will suffer from Post-COVID Fatigue Syndrome, also known as “Long COVID” and “Long Haulers’ Syndrome”. This represents 10-30% of all patients who contract COVID. The long-term consequences of this sequalae of COVID-19 are staggering, both medically and economically.

Researchers have identified several potential causes of Post-COVID Fatigue Syndrome, such as prolonged inflammation, autoimmune response, and reactivation of previously contracted infectious agents, such as Epstein-Barr virus and Lyme’s disease. Multi-Watt infrared light therapy is a powerful treatment for inflammation. Our patients are seeing rapid improvement in symptoms and returning to full function.

Dr. Pavlidakey, Dentist

“I had horrible brain fog, I was always tired, and I had developed a tremor. I couldn’t work! Everywhere I was trying to get treatment, there were long wait lists. None of the treatments helped… Then I found Neuro-Luminance! With each infrared light treatment, I felt better – slowly but surely.

Now, I feel better than I did before I got COVID…and its really really shocking!” – Dr. Pavlidakey

Fatigue Symptom Recovery
Figure: Reduction in fatigue severity following treatment with multi-Watt infrared light therapy. A life regained.