The NuBRAIN Difference

Transformational Neuromedicine with Breakthrough Technology and Life-Changing Protocol

NuBRAIN HEALTH is an exciting new approach to treating many neurological and brain-based conditions. Conditions such as traumatic brain injury, concussion, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and post-COVID fatigue syndrome have limited or no effective treatment options. Disorders like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and ADHD have treatments which provide marginal relief, but no long-lasting cure. NuBRAIN HEALTH uniquely combines a patented laser therapy technology (photobiomodulation) with NuBRAIN’s proven treatment protocols offering real solutions that treat more than just symptoms, but actually provide enduring outcomes – relief, recovery and healing restoration without surgery and often without drugs.

Transformational Neuromedicine With Breakthrough Technology and Life-Changing Protocol

Office Based

Short Treatment Times



Side Effect Free




High Patient Satisfaction

NuBRAIN Patented Laser Therapy Technology Transcranial High Intensity Photobiomodulation (THIP)

A key component of NuBRAIN is our patented laser therapy technology that provides Transcranial High Intensity Photobiomodulation (THIP). Unlike low-level laser therapy (LLLT), which delivers milliwatt doses of infrared light to the skin with little to no ability to penetrate scalp and skull to reach the brain, THIP delivers infrared energy to the depths of the brain. As shown in laboratory and clinical research studies, THIP is a highly effective non-invasive treatment advancement that is generating breakthrough outcomes. THIP not only provides relief of symptoms of a growing number of psychiatric and neurological disorders, including traumatic brain injuries (TBI), it also produces lasting neurophysiological change, as demonstrated by functional neuroimaging. Our protocols provide demonstrable improvement in conditions, such as TBI, concussion, PTSD, depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and other mental/neurological health conditions.

Transcranial photobiomodulation (tPBM) utilizes red to near-infrared (NIR) light to stimulate a photochemical response in cells via activation of mitochondria. For infrared light to be maximally effective, it must reach the neurons which are the target for treatment/repair. Only with THIP is infrared light delivered to neurons deep within the brain, because THIP has sufficient power to penetrate the scalp, skull, and brain tissue to reach its target.

Transcranial High Intensity Photobiomodulation (THIP) provides a significant improvement over traditional tPBM by utilizing wavelengths and power levels which have been shown in laboratory and clinical research to actually reach the brain.

“After years treating hundreds of patients, we have found that Transcranial High Intensity Photobiomodulation (THIP) offers significant advantages over other infrared light devices and low-power lasers in treating the brain. Even patients who have failed to respond to medications, talk therapy, other forms of electromagnetic stimulation (transcranial magnetic stimulation), or low-level infrared light treatments have seen dramatic improvements”

NuBRAIN HEALTH - Proven Treatment Protocols

Evidence Focused. Research Based.